Fort Worth Botanic Garden | Attend + Support

Growing Citrus Trees

Friday, April 18 (4:30-6:30pm) - Explore the world of citrus trees and how to grow them

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Friday - 4/18/25

4:30pm - Growing Citrus Trees


Delve into the world of citrus trees and kickstart your fruit-growing journey with ease! Learn about the rich history of cultivated citrus, essential care tips for Texas conditions, and effective pruning techniques to nurture compact dwarf varieties perfect for small spaces. Each participant will receive a 1-gallon Ichang lemon tree grown from seed from a tree that thrived in the Garden for many years. This cold-hardy lemon variety yields sizable fruits once matured and is ideal for container cultivation. Guided by our expert horticulturist, you will begin shaping your tree into an elegant espalier form for optimal growth and production. Equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge, you'll be ready to nurture your citrus tree for many fruitful years ahead. Registration includes Garden admission for the day—we encourage you to explore the Garden before class! 

Please note that trees take time to mature—for example, the 1-gallon tree included in registration could take up to 10 years to produce fruit! Of course, the knowledge and skills from this class can be applied to most citrus varieties immediately. Adult Education is happy to support you throughout your entire gardening journey! 

Friday, April 18, 2025 (4:30-6:30pm) 

Registration closes April 15. 

$30/Adult or $25/Member Adult  

Materials: All materials provided. If desired, bring a pair of gardening gloves, some handheld pruning shears, a notebook and pen. 

Location: Check-in at Botanical Research Insitute of Texas building / Park in main lot 

Instructor: Maddie Fay is an experienced horticulturalist at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden and a favorite on our social media channels! 

Inclement Weather: This class is indoors and will proceed as scheduled, rain or shine.   

**An email with class details will be sent to all registered guests the day after registration closes.To be sure our emails always make it to your inbox, please add the domain to your email whitelist. (Click here for a quick how-to)