Discover the age-old arts of food preservation! Learn to extend the life of fresh, seasonal bounty while enhancing flavors and maintaining nutritional content. Explore ingredient selection, food safety principles and practical tips to ensure your culinary success. With step-by-step guidance, you will create your own homemade—or in this case, Garden-made—preserved food during class. You will leave with the knowledge, resources and inspiration to continue preserving food in your own kitchen. From canning to fermented foods, each class will explore a different technique—so register for them all! Registration includes Garden admission for the day—we encourage you to explore the Garden the day of class!
Select Dates and Times.
See individual classes for registration close dates.
Rates vary. See individual class for prices. Garden Members receive a discount on registration.
Materials: See individual class.
Location: See individual class.
Instructor: Michelle Cappo is a Master Wellness volunteer affiliated with the Tarrant County TAMU’s AgriLife Extension Service and is passionate about teaching safe food preservation techniques. You can learn more about the Master Wellness Volunteer Program at
Inclement Weather: See individual class for inclement weather plans
**An email with class details will be sent to all registered guests the day after registration closes. To be sure our emails always make it to your inbox, please add the domain to your email whitelist. (Click here for a quick how-to)