Join us and our partners from the Fort Worth Audubon Society to explore and learn about our feathered friends in their natural habitat! We'll start with a brief overview of recommended gear, then spend most of our time walking the Garden’s trails and paths. Learn how to identify birds by sight and sound and discover the best ways to find them. You will leave with the skills and confidence to continue your birding journey. Registration includes Garden admission for the day—we encourage you to explore the Garden after class!
Select Dates, Quarterly (8:00-9:30am)
See individual class for registration close dates.
$18/Adult or $15/Member Adult
Materials: Please bring any birding materials you currently use (binoculars, bird identification field guides). Optics are provided upon request.
Location: Check-in at Garden Center / Park in main lot
Instructor: Tom Haase is a North Central Texas Master Birder and the Vice President of Field Trips for the Fort Worth Audubon Society (FWAS); he loves that birding can be done anywhere and by anyone. Connect with Tom via the Fort Worth Audubon Society at
Inclement Weather: Registered guests will be notified via email the day before the class if it has been canceled. The option to transfer or refund registrations will be offered.
**An email with class details will be sent to all registered guests the day after registration closes. To be sure our emails always make it to your inbox, please add the domain to your email whitelist. (Click here for a quick how-to)