Fort Worth Botanic Garden | Attend + Support

Memorial Donation

Give to the Garden you love in honor, in memory, or in celebration of someone special. Non-specific memorial gifts support our annual fund to help keep our garden beautiful for generations to come.

Please choose your donation amount below.

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Custom Donation

Tribute Comments *

General memorial donations go to our Annual Fund, supporting areas of most need. If you are donating to a specific project, please enter the name of the project in the Designation Comments. Please include the honoree's name, and address for acknowledgement if you wish for us to send a notification letter.

Program Details

Thank you for choosing to donate to the Garden in honor or in memory of your loved one. We greatly appreciate your support. You will receive an e-receipt after completing your purchase, which will serve as your acknowledgement letter and tax note from the Garden. Please email [email protected] if you do not receive an e-receipt in your inbox.

General memorial donations support our annual fund. Please include in the designation box if you would like your memorial donation to support a specific garden or project, which will be updated on the back end. Reach out to [email protected] if you would like a copy of your receipt that reflects the actual fund you donated to.

Wish to notify someone of your donation in their loved one's honor? Please list where we should send a notification letter in the designation box and include the addressee, address, city, state, and zip.